
Armature Astrology

Date: Category: Art

Find out what your jewelry horoscopes says about you

This Halloween, we’ve created jewelry horoscopes - and exclusive offers to match. Read on to discover what kind of your jewelry your sign is naturally drawn to, but hurry, all offers end at midnight on October 31st.



As a naturally strong, independent and confident person, you are drawn to anything with a slightly tough, aggressive edge. The Barbed Wire Ear Cuff looks fierce but is also a symbol of overcoming struggle - something you can relate to.

Use code ARIES at checkout to get two Barbed Wire ear cuffs for the price of one. (add two single items to the cart for the discount to automate)



You are incredibly creative, funny and have no problem challenging authority. Colorful, bold jewelry that feels empowering is your go to, so you’ll love the Sky Blue Kyanite Chakra Ring. It helps you speak your truth, (not that you’ve ever been afraid to say it.)

Use code TAURUS for 20% off the Sky Blue Kyanite Chakra ring.

Sky Blue Kyanite Chakra Ring

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Articulate, sociable and incredibly expressive, you are always looking for your next piece of party jewelry. You love pieces that impress and strike up interesting conversations, so the Galaxy Glove is your perfect match.

Use code GEMINI to get two Galaxy gloves for the price of one. ( add two single items to the cart for the discount to automate)


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Just like a crab, you are protective with a hard exterior. Your desire for armour reflects in your jewelry choices, and you look to pieces with a tough edge. But don’t forget your caring center. Wear the Shell Earrings as a reminder to keep that internal softness.

Use code CANCER for 20% off the Shell earrings.



Shell Earrings

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You are outgoing, fiery and self assured, so aren’t afraid to wear eye-catching pieces with colored gemstones. To you, more is more. You want it all. Layer up our Bon Bon collection for a maximalist look that appeals to your inner lion.

Use code LEO to get any two pieces from our Bon Bon collection for the price of one. (add two items to the cart for the discount to automate)

Tiger’s Eye Bon Bon Chain Bracelet

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Faithfulness, responsibility and kindness mean a lot to you, so it’s natural that you are drawn to incredibly modest designs that don’t appear to be overly flashy. The simple Orbit Medium Hoop Earring is your idea of understated luxury.

Use code VIRGO for 20% off the Orbit Medium Hoop Earring.

Orbit Hoop - Medium 1 X 1 X 1

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A friend to all, you are one of the most fun loving signs, if a little indecisive. This means getting dressed is a long process. Make things easier with the Collision Hoops. With both gold, rose gold and silver in this design, it’s the perfect balance.

Use code LIBRA to get two Collision hoop Earrings for the price of one.  (add two single items to the cart for the discount to automate)


Silver & Gold Collision Hoop Earring - Medium

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There is no-one more passionate, stubborn and brave than you. You like jewelry that reflects your tough spirit but also has a story to tell, which is why you’ll naturally be drawn to our iconic Bullet ring collection.

Use code SCORPIO for 10% off any bullet ring of your choice.


You’re optimistic, funny and very generous, so can usually be found buying jewelry as gifts for others rather than treating yourself. It’s time to be good to you too. The Silver Chakra Bracelet has your name on it.

Use code SAGITTARIUS to get two Silver Chakra bracelets for the price of one. (Be sure to add two items to the cart for the discount to automate at checkout)

Silver Chakra Bracelet

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As a serious and disciplined sign, you play it safe when it comes to style. You don’t stray from your style signatures and know what you like. Push yourself out of your comfort zone (but only slightly) with the Silver & Black Rhodium ombre box chain necklace.

Use code CAPRICORN for 10% off our Silver & Black Rhodium ombre box chain necklace.

Silver & Black Rhodium Ombre Box Chain Necklace

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You are an imaginative day dreamer who comes up with the most creative ideas and fantastical outfits. Delving into your jewelry box is always the best adventure, and the Dreamer Catcher Hoop Earring would fit in perfectly.

Use code AQUARIUS to get two Dreamer Catcher hoop earrings for the price of one.


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To say you are always in your feelings would be a huge understatement. You are deeply in touch with your emotions and are drawn to jewerly that feels caring and safe. The Gray Diamond Zodiac Rosary Bead Necklace is the perfect piece to ruminate with.

Use code PISCES for 20% off the Gray Diamond Zodiac Rosary Bead necklace.

Gray Diamond Zodiac Rosary Bead Necklace

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